Custom Solutions

Our investors have access to the full resources of Titan’s investment staff and day-to-day management by a dedicated Custom Solutions team.


Our investors have access to the full resources of Titan’s investment staff and day-to-day management by a dedicated Custom Solutions team.

For institutional investors with a specific hedge fund mandate, or for those looking to allocate to hedge funds on a direct basis, a Custom Solutions partnership may make sense. We will work closely with you to understand your needs, find managers that fit your requirements and design a portfolio of managers that is right for your organization.

Our Custom Solutions investors often engage in the highest levels of oversight, and we provide access to our processes, systems and industry network, enabling these investors to fulfill their fiduciary duties and enhance the risk and return prospects of their portfolios.

Titan Custom Solutions benefits

Expertise in manager selection and portfolio construction
Access to our existing manager relationships
Ability to collaborate on investment guidelines
Involvement in investment process, as desired
Outsourcing of operations and accounting
Detailed reporting, manager notes and commentary
Web access to proprietary database and platform

Technology provides transparency

The proprietary technology Titan provides to our Custom Solutions investors differentiates us in the industry, and enables us to deliver on our core promise of transparency.

We invite you to contact us for a demo of our platform. Our proprietary systems can enhance your ability to manage your investments, gain manager information, and receive the reporting necessary for your requirements.

* For illustrative purposes only.  The funds, securities, strategies and performance reflected in this model do not relate to the funds currently offered by Titan Advisors, LLC.

To learn more about Custom Solutions, contact our Marketing team.

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